
A complete listing attracts endless stays!


Validation basics

  • In order to put an apartment available for booking, it must be validated by Holidu, by having a complete data, such as description, facilities, bookable dates, photos and many more.
  • To ensure that your apartment is available for booking, you can call the validation endpoint, and the API will return you a list of actions you need to take.

At Holidu, we prioritize the quality of the listings on our platform. To ensure that guests have a seamless and enjoyable experience, we actively validate each apartment to make sure all information, such as availability for booking, is up-to-date and complete.

If for any reason, your apartment becomes inactive, it may be due to missing some of the important information. You can know for sure the reason, by calling the validation API.

Table of validation error code and its meaning

Error CodeExplanationHow to solve it?
NO_CHANGE_OVER_DAYSThere is no information about possible check-in or check-out days for the apartment.If you are using LOS, use the los endpoint to push the check-in or check-out information. Otherwise, use the updateavailability endpoint.
NO_AVAILABILITYWe do not receive any information regarding your apartment's availability.If you are using LOS, use the los endpoint to push the availability object. Otherwise, use the updateavailability endpoint.
MISSING_RATE_PLANS_OR_LOSThere is no price available for the apartment.If you are using LOS, use the los endpoint to push the check-in or check-out information. Otherwise, use the setrates endpoint.
NO_AVAILABLE_DAYSWe received the availability objects, however there are no available days.If you are using LOS, use the los endpoint to update the availability object information with more available days. Otherwise, use the updateavailability endpoint.
NO_CHECKIN_CHECKOUTThere is no information about possible check-in or check-out days for the apartment.If you are using LOS, use the los endpoint to push the check-in or check-out information. Otherwise, use the updateavailability endpoint.
AVAILABILITY_NO_MIN_STAYDue to the missing availability information, we are not able to identify minimum days of stay for your apartment.If you are using LOS, use the los endpoint to update the availability object information with more available days. Otherwise, use the updateavailability endpoint.
NO_COORDINATESThere is no coordinate information available for your apartment.Fix the lat and lng by calling the apartment endpoint.
WRONG_COORDINATESThe provided coordinate information is invalid. The valid ranges for Latitude is from -90 to +90, whereas the valid ranges for Longitude is from -180 to + 180.Fix the lat and lng by calling the apartment endpoint.
LICENSE_NUMBER_REQUIRED_BUT_MISSINGIn certain areas, it is mandatory for partners to have a registered license number. Please make sure the license number is available.Provide the license information via the apartment endpoint.
LAST_UPDATE_IS_OLDER_THAN_30_DAYSThe last information received for the apartment was 30 days ago.Push any update for the apartment using any of the endpoint.
LAST_UPDATE_IS_OLDER_THAN_14_DAYSThe last information received for the apartment was 14 days ago.Push any update for the apartment using any of the endpoint.
NUMBER_OF_BED_ZEROThere are no information about the maximum capacity of your apartment.When pushing the apartment information, ensure that the guestCapacityRules is provided (learn more). Once it is ready, push the data information using the apartment endpoint.
MIN_HEIGHT_WIDTHThe provided photos do not meet the photo size's minimum requirements of 150px in width and 100px in height.Push updated photos that satisfy the minimum size requirement to the photos endpoint.
MISSING_HEIGHT_WIDTHUnable to identify the size of the photos.Push updated photos that satisfy the minimum size requirement to the photos endpoint.
NOT_ENOUGH_VALID_PHOTOSThere are only less than 3 photos available for the apartment.Push more photos to the photos endpoint.
NO_PHOTOSThere are no photos available for the apartment.Push your photos to the photos endpoint.
URL_MISSINGThe provided photo URL is missing.Update your photos object via the photos endpoint, and make sure that the url exists.
PHOTO_URL_IS_NOT_VALIDThe provided photo URL is not valid.Update your photos object via the photos endpoint, and make sure that the url is valid.