Cancellation conditions

Make it flexible


Cancellation conditions basics

  • Configure cancellation policies per apartment
  • If you have the same cancellation policies for each apartment, they can be configured on your account level.
  • To update the cancellation policies, you need to push the entire object, partially updates are not possible.

How to use cancellation policies

  • There has to be at least one cancellation policy defined with "daysBeforeArrival":0, which is the fee that needs to be paid in case the customer is not showing up.
  • We recommend to not configure more than 3 different policies in order to keep the structure clear and understandable for the customer.
  • Be aware that your payment rates and cancellation policies are configured in sync.

The object cancellation policy

"daysBeforeArrival"int32YESNumber of days before arrival before which this cancellation policy is valid
"cancellationFeeInPercent"doubleYESA percentage of the booking amount that is cancellation fee, meaning this percentage need to be paid by the customer


No free cancellation offered

The apartment doesn't offer a free cancellation option and the total booking amount is 1000€.

          "daysBeforeArrival": 30,
          "cancellationFeeInPercent": 50
          "daysBeforeArrival": 7,
          "cancellationFeeInPercent": 80
          "daysBeforeArrival": 0,
          "cancellationFeeInPercent": 100
  • If the customer cancels the booking before 30 days of check-in (from the day of booking until 31 days before check-in day) then the cancellation fee that the customer has to pay is 50% of the total booking amount (500€).
  • If the customer cancels the booking before 7 days of check-in (from 30 days until 8 days before check-in day) then the cancellation fee that the customer has to pay is 80% of the total booking amount (800€).
  • If the customer cancels the booking when the day to check-in is 7 days or less (from 7 days to check-in until the day of check-in) then the customer has to pay the total booking amount 100% (1000€) as the cancellation fee.

Free cancellation offered

The apartment offeres a free cancellation option and the total booking amount is 1000€.

          "daysBeforeArrival": 60,
          "cancellationFeeInPercent": 0
          "daysBeforeArrival": 30,
          "cancellationFeeInPercent": 50
          "daysBeforeArrival": 7,
          "cancellationFeeInPercent": 80
          "daysBeforeArrival": 0,
          "cancellationFeeInPercent": 100
  • If the customer cancels the booking before 60 days to check-in (from the day of booking until 61 days before check-in day) then the cancellation fee the customer has to pay is 0% of the total booking amoung (0€).
  • If the customer cancels the booking before 30 days to check-in (from 60 days until 31 days before check-in day) then the cancellation fee that the customer has to pay is 50% of the total booking amount (500€).
  • If the customer cancels the booking before 7 days of check-in (from 30 days until 8 days before check-in day) then the cancellation fee that the customer has to pay is 80% of the total booking amount (800€).
  • If the customer cancels the booking when the day to check-in is 7 days or less (from 7 days to check-in until the day of check-in) then the customer has to pay the total booking amount 100% (1000€) as the cancellation fee.


Requirements for Holidu Payment

  • When you work with Holidu Payment it is necessary that you set 100% cancellation fee at least for the check-in date. Until 1 day before checkin date cancellation fee can be any percentage (from 0 to 100%).