Cancel bookings

This is sad - but it happens


Cancellation basics

  • This is the endpoint where you can report cancellation that happend on your side to us.
  • Please always provide a reason for the cancellation.
  • The endpoint is syncronous, so we will confirm the successful cancellation.
  • If you use Holiday Payments, you do not need this endpoint, since the guest will directly approach Holidu Customer Happiness Team, which will then update you on the booking status.

The best option is to cancel the booking as soon as you are informed about the cancellation on your side. This way the systems are always in sync and the customer does not get different information. It also ensures you do not get invoices for already canceled bookings. Holidu will invoice you based on the data present in the Holidu system.

To cancel a booking, you just need to call the endpoint with the following parameters

providerYesStringA unique identifier for every provider on our side
providerBookingIdYesStringEither this id orholiduBookingId
holiduBookingIdYesInt64Either this id orproviderBookingId
cancellationFeeYesNumberThe fee the customer needs to pay for this booking (absolute amount that is calculated, it will be x% of original booking amount)
reasonYesStringThe reason for canceling this booking
• Please check the below list.

Cancellattion reasons:

Cancellation reasonDescription
PROVIDER_NO_PAYMENTYou had to cancel since the customer didn't pay during the contractual timeframe
PROVIDER_OVERBOOKEDYou had to cancel since the property was already booked out
CUSTOMER_WRONG_PRICEThe customer wanted to cancel because the price shown on Holidu was wrong
CUSTOMER_WRONG_FACILITIESThe customer wanted to cancel because the facilities were wrongly shown on Holidu
CUSTOMER_UNKNOWN_REASONThe customer wanted to cancel for an unknown reason
CUSTOMER_REBOOKINGThe customer wanted to cancel because they will rebook again or already rebooked
CUSTOMER_PERSONALThe customer wanted to cancel for a personal reason
CUSTOMER_ALTERNATIVE_HOLIDU_PRICEThe customer wanted to cancel due to finding an alternative price on Holidu
CUSTOMER_ALTERNATIVE_HOLIDU_LOCATIONThe customer wanted to cancel due to finding an alternative location on Holidu
CUSTOMER_ALTERNATIVE_HOLIDU_OTHERThe customer wanted to cancel due to finding an alternative property on Holidu
CUSTOMER_ALTERNATIVE_ELSEWHERE_PRICEThe customer wanted to cancel due to finding an alternative price somewhere else
CUSTOMER_ALTERNATIVE_ELSEWHERE_LOCATIONThe customer wanted to cancel due to finding an alternative location somewhere else
CUSTOMER_ALTERNATIVE_ELSEWHERE_OTHERThe customer wanted to cancel due to finding an alternative property somewhere else
CUSTOMER_TRAVEL_RESTRICTIONS_VISAThe customer wanted to cancel due to visa restrictions
CUSTOMER_TRAVEL_RESTRICTIONS_COVIDThe customer wanted to cancel due to COVID travel resrestrictions
CUSTOMER_TRAVEL_RESTRICTIONS_OTHERThe customer wanted to cancel due to different restrictions
CUSTOMER_PROVIDER_REQUEST_BOOK_ELSEWHEREThe provider asked the customer to book directly with them
CUSTOMER_PROVIDER_REQUEST_AVAILABILITYThe provider indicated a lack of availability
CUSTOMER_PROVIDER_REQUEST_OTHERThe provider requested to cancel due to a different reason
CUSTOMER_PROPERTY_QUALITYThe customer wanted to cancel due to the property quality
CUSTOMER_OTHERThe customer didn't state the reason behind the cancellation
HOLIDU_TEST_BOOKINGHolidu test booking