Terms and conditions

Make it official


Terms and conditions basics

  • T&Cs are configured per apartment
  • If you have the same terms and conditions for each apartment and in each country, they can be configured on your account level.
  • To update the t&cs, you need to push the entire object, partially updates are not possible.

How to use terms and conditions

  • You can push different terms and conditions for each country for which a Holidu domain exists, but you can also push multiple countries in a single T&C object.
  • If no countries is pushed then the url is not applied to any country.

The T&C object

"countries"array of stringsSelect a country or multiple countries for which the URL should be applied
"url"stringYESURL of the terms and conditions

List of all supported countries

"GB"Great Britain
"NZ"New Zealand
"US"United State of America


Different T&Cs for different domains

Every country and the corresponding URL for the terms and conditions can be pushed as individual objects.

          "countries": [
          "url": "https://www.abc.org/xxx"
          "countries": [
          "url": "https://www.abc.org/xyz"

Same T&C for multiple or all domains

Multiple or all countries that have the same T&C are added in the countries array and are pushed in one object with one URL.

          "countries": [
          "url": "https://www.abc.org/xxx"
          "countries": [
          "url": "https://www.abc.org/xyz"