JUMP TOConnectivity APIIntroVersioningAPI response codesApartmentDeactivate apartment for providerputActivate apartment for providerputGet an apartmentgetCreate or update an apartmentpostGet basic information about all apartmentsgetGet validation result of apartmentgetDescriptionsGet descriptions for an apartmentgetCreate or update descriptions for an apartmentpostFacilitiesGet facilities for apartmentgetUpdate facilities for an apartmentpostGet facility typesgetGet facility locationsgetPhotosGet photos for an apartmentgetUpdate photos for an apartmentpostReviewsGet customer reviews for apartmentgetPost the customer reviews of an apartmentpostLOSGet LOS for an apartmentgetCreate or update LOS for an apartmentpostAvailabilityGet apartment availabilitygetUpdate apartment availabilitypostRatesGet apartment rate plansgetUpdate apartment rate planspostExtra CostsGet the extra costs of an apartmentgetUpdate the extra costs of an apartmentpostDiscountsGet a single discount for an apartment by discount idgetCreate or update a single discount for an apartmentpostGet discounts for an apartmentgetBooking TermsGet terms and conditions for apartmentgetUpdate terms and conditions for apartmentpostGet payment configuration for apartmentgetUpdate payment configuration for apartmentpostGet cancellation conditions for apartmentgetUpdate cancellation conditions for apartmentpostBookingsUpdate booking detailsputCancel a bookingpostGet booking detailsgetAffiliate APIIntro/searchSearch for offers based on the provided criteriapost/detailsGet detailed information about the provided offerspost/availabilitiesGet information about the availability of given offerspost/changedGet list of ids of properties that have changed since the given datepostProperty TypesUpdate photos for an apartmentpost https://provider-api-sandbox.holidu.com/v2/photosSets lists of photos for Apartment