Let's enhance facilities!
Very often guests choose their desired vacation apartment by the range of facilities offered! Therefore most filters on the Holidu's list page are based on facilities.
In order to increase the performance it is important to us that we receive all facilities, that your apartments are offering to our fellow guests.
To ensure a various and valuable range of facility types to our mutual guest, we are taking the following steps:
Firstly we have added the "name" field. Here you can insert the raw facility names from your own system. Further, we have made the “type” not mandatory any longer and will take over the correct mapping of those facility names.
As a next step, of course, we plan to expand our facility type list if we miss facilities that we consider as value-adding to our guests. We want to learn from the facilities pushed by our partners and enrich our endpoint thereby.
So if you are interested in pushing all your facilities' names to help us enhance our list, please do not hesitate to do so. We would be happy if you reached out to [email protected] or your Technical Account Manager.
Please find below here the API Reference Facility Endpoint.